
The Prosecutor-Led Diversion Map is a joint project of the National District Attorneys Association (NDAA) and the Urban Institute. This first of its kind catalogue and interactive map of prosecutor-led diversion programs from across the country is meant to inform a wide range of stakeholders, including fellow prosecutors’ offices, on the proactive and innovative work being accomplished by local prosecutors.

Prosecutor-led diversion is just one approach at the discretion of prosecutors. It is used as an alternative to traditional prosecution and can include approaches focused on addressing behavioral health issues, responding to a person’s first contact with the justice system, processing traffic or alcohol-related offenses, or providing a restorative justice alternative for offenses where there is a victim. Prosecutor-led diversion has existed for decades and while programs exist all over the country, there is variation across many fundamental characteristics of the diversion approaches.

The project team conducted a national scan in 2020 and 2021 to identify and document key characteristics of prosecutor-led diversion programs in states across the country. Prosecutors or staff members within prosecutor offices provided information about their own diversion programs and the responses are used to populate the interactive map. Additionally, NDAA and the Urban Institute have provided detailed information in the form of case studies and thematic reports on topics of interest.

How to use

To get started, use the search box or filter options to quickly find information on diversion programs or jurisdictions that may be of specific interest, or simply explore to learn more about programs and their impact on communities. Don’t see your jurisdiction on the map but want to be included? Click the “Add Program” button to input information on up to three diversion programs in your office. If you have questions or run into any technical issues, contact Kiona Gaines at kdavis@ndaajustice.org.